Copyright Transfer AgreementDownload File

The transfer of copyright from authors to the publisher must be clearly stated in writing to enable the Business Communication Research and Practice (BCRP) to proceed with publication of the work. Therefore the BCRP requires the following agreement be signed by all authors and sent to the e-mail address below with the author proofs.

Article Title:______________________________________________________________________

We confirm that, to the best of my knowledge, nothing of a technical nature in this paper is materially inaccurate, that it is in no way whatsoever a violation of any existing copyright or a breach of any existing agreement, and that it contains nothing defamatory or libelous.

We confirm that we have taken all reasonable steps to ensure that no patient referred to in this paper can be identified from internal evidence. We also confirm that, where appropriate, we have secured patients’ consent to use clinical details relating to them for the purposes of publication.

We certify that we have obtained written permission for the use of text, tables, and/or illustrations from any copyrighted source(s), and we agree to supply such written permission(s) to the BCRP upon request.

We assign to the BCRP the entire copyright in the work detailed above for use in all forms and media throughout the world, in exchange for a machine-readable form of the final published work.

We understand that we retain the following rights over the work:

  • a. The right to make further copies of all or part of the published article for our use in classroom teaching and traditional scholarship communication;
  • b. The right to reuse all or part of this material in a compilation of our own works or in a textbook of which we are the authors;
  • c. The right to make copies of the published work for internal distribution within the institution that employs us;
  • d. The right to deposit our work in an institutional and/or central repository in accordance with the BCRP policy on institutional repositories

We agree that copies or deposits made under these circumstances will carry proper acknowledgement of the journal detailed above as the original source of publication.